Skincare products to avoid when doing laser hair removal

Skincare products to avoid when doing laser hair removal

Summer is just around the corner, and it is the perfect time to start your laser hair removal sessions! As with any laser procedure, whether you are doing it at home or in a clinic, there are some dos and don'ts that you will need to learn about. Today, I'll discuss the skincare products that should be avoided before, during, and after laser hair removal. These tips will help ensure that you will have a comfortable, safe, and stress-free hair removal experience. Let's get started!

Avoid exfoliants and peeling skincare products for 5-7 days before and after laser treatment

This no-no is a tough one for me since I love to use scrubs on my legs to get that summer glow. But before doing laser hair removal, it is very important to stop using the following items at least 5 days before your treatment:
  • Alpha Hydroxy or Beta Hydroxy (AHA/BHA)
  • Hydroquinone - this is a topical skin bleaching agent to lighten pigment
  • Retinols and retinoids like Retin-A or Differin
  • Salicylic Acids
  • Sugar/Salt scrubs
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
Since the above list of items is designed for exfoliating your skin and removing dead skin cells, these products can also cause your skin to become extra sensitive. Some of these ingredients can be found in body washes and body creams, so be sure to take a look at the ingredient list on your body products before applying. You should wait at least 5 days after your laser treatment to start using these products again. Laser hair removal causes your pores to open, so let your skin heal and give it a break for a week before going back to any of these skincare products. If you are using any skincare products that are not mentioned on this list, but you are unsure of how they will affect your laser treatments, please call your dermatologist to ask what they recommend.

Can I Use Niacinamide After Laser Hair Removal?

Typical concentrations of niacinamide applied topically are generally safe to use on the skin after laser hair removal. It is important to note that everyone's skin is different and it is recommended to consult your health practitioner before use and with any specific questions related to your skin's sensitivities.

Avoid the sun for 24 to 48 hours and tanning beds for 7 days before and after laser treatments

Avoid tanning beds before and after laser hair removal
The sun can be a friend or foe in the summer months, especially when it comes to planning around your laser hair removal sessions. Sun exposure can make your skin extremely sensitive, and because hair removal lasers use heat to kill the hair follicles, the treatments can be extra uncomfortable if you have a sunburn or recently exposed skin. Avoid the sun for at least 24 to 48 hours before and after sun exposure, and definitely do not treat any areas with a sunburn. If you use a tanning bed, be sure to wait 7 days before and after your hair removal treatment. You will also want to make sure that you wear sunscreen if you plan to head outside at any time. You can use at least a 30 SPF broad-spectrum sunscreen that will shield your skin from both UVB and UVA rays. To keep your skin hydrated while using your Tria laser, I recommend using the pre-treatment Soothing Gel, available in the 4X Hair Removal Laser Deluxe Kits. The Skin Cancer Foundation has a list of sunscreens that they recommend on this website here for easy reference.

Avoid waxes, plucking, and depilatory creams for 6 weeks

Avoid waxing before doing laser hair removal
Since you want to keep the hair follicle in place for laser hair removal, it is very important that you wait at least 6 weeks after any waxing, plucking, or using any depilatory creams like Nair. Since you need to treat the hair every two weeks with Tria's Hair Removal Lasers, it is best to stop any of the above-mentioned hair removal methods until you are through with all sessions. You do need to shave with a razor or electric shaver within 24 hours of your treatment session. That way, the body hair is flat against the surface of the skin, and the laser will be able to detect the pigment in the hair easily. Also read: Summer tips for laser hair removal
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